To modify the text of every paragraph on your website follow these steps. This is for advanced users as it will be reflected sitewide. 

  1. Log in to your dashboard.


  2. Click on the "Edit Site" tab located on the left-hand side.


  3. Locate the orange arrow next to the "Edit Site" tab and click on it.


  4. Find the "Paragraph Text" option in the list.


  5. Click on the small arrow adjacent to "Paragraph Text" to access a menu.


  6. In this menu, you can modify the font family, font size, and other text properties like color. It's important to note that these changes will apply to the entire website. Therefore, it is advisable to leave other settings as default, except for the specific changes you wish to make.


  7. Click on the "Save Styles" Button. This will change every paragraph or sentence on your site besides titles, buttons, and links. However, you can customize the text on the homepage blocks.

To modify the font of a paragraph or sentence within a specific block on your homepage:

  1. Navigate to your site section as previously mentioned.


  2. Locate the block you wish to modify and hover over it.


  3. Click on the pencil icon that appears when hovering over the block.


  4. Select "Edit Design". This action opens a menu similar to the previous one but focused solely on the selected block.


  5. Click on "Paragraph Text" within this menu. You will notice fewer options compared to the site-wide settings.


  6. Here, you can alter the font family, font size, alignment, and even the color. If you're editing only one block, it's safer to adjust the color here.


  7. You can also adjust the font weight to make the text bold.


  8. As you make changes, the block will update in real-time. Ensure the settings are to your preference before proceeding.


  9. Once satisfied with your adjustments, click "Save Styles". Please note, that this action is irreversible, so confirm your choices before saving.


Remember, the changes in the block-specific settings will not affect the rest of the website.